“Vanished” by Nasim Tehrani wins two awards at Nahal Short Film Festival

Jul 14, 2023

Nahal Short Film Festival 2023, Iran

“Vanished” by Nasim Tehrani

"Vanished" at Nahal 2023
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“Vanished” by Nasim Tehrani wins two awards at Nahal Short Film Festival 2023, in Teheran, Iran: Best Music and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Nahal International Short Film Festival

Nahal international short film festival which has begun working since 2003, is the result of a student protest to the academic qualifications and is now the most important student film festival in Iran held annually by Leading of a Film Student and a full student team under supervision of cultural and social affairs department of the art university of tehran.

Of the purposes of this festival is creating a suitable space for presenting less seen works and minding students’ different concerns and tastes.


A young couple live in an old house which is about to be demolished. While they are packing, the wife tells her husband about an anonymous man and his old car which he keeps parking in front of their house and stares at it. The anonymous old man hides something from his past.

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