Distribution of the short film "Milk and Cookies"
Distribution of the short film "Milk and Cookies"

milk and cookies

(Latte e Biscotti)

by  Sabrina La Macchia
short film | drama

Poster of the short film "Milk and Cookies" by Sabrina La Macchia

Ester's life changes on a Saturday night


After an episode of sexual violence, Ester finds the courage to tell her story by writing a play based on the tale of Little Red Riding Hood.

milk and cookies

(Latte e Biscotti)

by  Sabrina La Macchia
short film | drama

Ester's life changes on a Saturday night


After an episode of sexual violence, Ester finds the courage to tell her story by writing a play based on the tale of Little Red Riding Hood.
Poster of the short film "Milk and Cookies" by Sabrina La Macchia

Milk and Cookies

( Latte e Biscotti )

Italy, 2024 / 22′

a film by
Sabrina La Macchia

Giulia Sangiorgi
Federico Bizzarri
Francesco Venerando

Directed by Sabrina La Macchia
Written by Francesco Botticelli
Sabrina La Macchia
Director of Photography Alberto Della Porta
Production Design Claudia de Palma
Lucia Bordona Alonso
Costume Design Virginia Ielo
Editing Alberto Della Porta
Composer Matilde Fioravanti
Sound Federico Landini
Producer Barbara Bello
Production Akant Film Production
Distribution Alpha Film

Production of the short film "Milk and Cookies"

The Director

Sabrina La Macchia, director of the short film "Milk and Cookies"

Sabrina La Macchia


Sabrina La Macchia nasce a Messina nel 2001. Si trasferisce a Roma nel 2020 per frequentare la RUFA (Rome University of Fine Arts) in cui si diploma nel 2024. Durante il suo percorso di studi, realizza Lovely (2020), Ladro di Fiori (2021) e Latte e Biscotti (2024), tre cortometraggi che hanno come filo conduttore le tematiche legate alla disillusione tipica del passaggio di età tra l’adolescenza, idilliaca e romantica, e l’età adulta, tramite un linguaggio delicato, elegante e femminile.

Director statement

“Milk and Cookies” is a reinterpretation of the tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, used as a metaphor for a rape episode. The reality and the fairytale mix together across the story, converging in the end in a single line that shows the overcoming of a trauma using art. A gothic fairytale with bittersweet tones. The short film was born from the need to tell a story, experienced firsthand, which is still all too common and normalized these days. Especially recently, through phrases that have entered the public domain, such as “if you avoid getting drunk, you avoid the wolf”, we need to realize that the tendency to blame the victim of violence, rape, aggression or harassment is a reality that must necessarily be overturned. Movies and shorts like this one are a small starting point, and it is my intimate and very personal way of helping all women who have experienced, and experience similar situations every day, find even just comfort in seeing themselves in a fairy tale common to all, children and grown ups. I want to remind all the victims that no matter how bad the Wolf may be, Little Red Riding Hood will sooner or later manage to get out of his belly and shine bright again.
Alpha Film, distribuzione cortometraggi